- Feature
- Rank (1 to 5)
- 4
- 4.5
- 4
- 3.5
- 3.5
- Lowest-priced Plan (excluding "lite" plans)
- $29/mo
- Free
- $29/mo
- $35/mo
- $79/mo
- No Setup Fees
- No Transaction Fees
- Only with Shopify Payments
- Max Storage
- Unlimited
- Unlimited
- Unlimited
- Unlimited
- 2GB
- Max Bandwidth
- Unlimited
- Unlimited
- Unlimited
- 3GB
- 20GB
- Product Limit
- Unlimited
- Unlimited
- Unlimited
- 1,000
- Unlimited
- Order Limit
- Unlimited
- Unlimited
- Unlimited
- Unlimited
- Unlimited
- Free Themes
- 21
- 110
- 25
- 10
- 12
- Premium Themes
- 154
- 336
- 38
- Your Own Domain Name
- Extra Charge
- Launch When Ready
- Multilingual Storefront
- Content Pages
- Built-In Blog Platform
- Wordpress Integration
- Store Plugin for Existing Sites
- Content Delivery Network
- Amazon, eBay, etc. Integration
- Payment Gateways and Processors
- 70+
- 160+
- 30+
- 35+
- 6+
- Encryption
- SSL 256
- SSL 256
- Extra Charge
- Extra Charge
- SSL 256 Free for 1 Yr.
- Fraud Detection